The Formation of the Khalsa

The piece I have created celebrates events that occurred on 13th April 1699. Where the birth of the Khalsa was orchestrated by Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Five devotees offered their lives to Guru Ji, to which he gave then new life, baptising them to form the Panj Pyare, warrior saints.

The Panj Pyare have been illustrated in this art piece by displaying their names as rays of light from a Sun like object. Underneath, are segments that reflect abstract forms of the 5ks which baptised sikhs wear.

In the foreground, stands Guru Gobind Singh Ji. A strong looking figure that embodies the warrior identity of sikhs.

One of Guru ji’s teachings from the formation of the Khalsa, is one of Chardi Kala. As the volunteers gave their lives to the Guru, he eliminated their fear of death, allowing them to further live their lives in eternal bliss.

Being in a state of Chardi Kala means to uphold positivity and optimism even throughout periods of adversity.

This state of Chardi Kala can be applied to current affairs. Although it is saddening to hear the vast amount of lives been lost to Covid-19... for every bad there is positives. This time during lockdown should give us the opportunity to slow down in our modern busy lives, and reflect on what is truly important and valuable. As the many pressures society promote can be stressful, ultimately it is only your happiness and health that is truly important.


100cm x 80cm x 10cm


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Harmandir Sahib Elevation


Khanda and Stars